Monday, August 4, 2008

Headhunters Love You!

If you have good relationships with recruiters, you almost certainly exhibit many, if not all of the following behaviors.

  1. You return calls. Yes it is our job to hunt you down, but if it takes more than two or three calls to get you, you may not get called in the future.

  2. You have important information. People ask us for market intelligence all the time. Our best source is you, and we are happy to share what we know.

  3. You provide referrals. This is a good way to stay at the top of a recruiters call list. Careful to provide quality though; one great call is better than five calls to slog through for one good candidate.

  4. You are not afraid to get personal. We ask questions and interview people about their jobs all day long. It is always nice to learn something more about a person outside of work. It is a welcome change to share a bit about our world, if you care to ask.

  5. You value our input. Many clients treat us like simple providers of resumes, or bodies or even talent. The best of us, however, have a lot to add based on our experience working directly in your field. We may have market insights, or we may have psychological insights, and we probably have some basis for comparing candidates or hiring companies.

  6. You have an outstanding professional background. If you are great at what you do, we want to know you.

  7. You change jobs every three to seven years. If you change every two years, you are a job-hopper. At ten years, you have probably become a company man. There are variables, but three to seven keeps you moving ahead and keeps us employed.

  8. You are a prospective client. Our best candidates become clients, and vice versa. This doesn’t need to be expressed, though, unless you have a clear need.

  9. You return calls. Sometimes it can be as simple as that!

Contact Jason Sanders

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